• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 04 May 2009
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Stray cats, from the new gang... that come to eat at my parents garden, twice a day.

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Have a delightful day!
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush


Anonymous Guest

Alessandra Gatti 22 Oct 2010

They are wonderful...I love black cats! :))

Caballero Salguero 03 May 2010

My dear friend Nira, excellent photographs of the cats black, great mystery,very deep. And Nataliya? you not visit my page....hugs from Spain, José

geoff cooper 09 May 2009

they keep coming if you feed them..

Anonymous Guest 06 May 2009

They look at you ! Beautiful gang, Nira.

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot.. kind regards..

Calvin McFarlane 06 May 2009

a gang with color coding. great.

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Calvin.. kind regards..

Manna Lai 05 May 2009

They are a beauty

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, Manna.. kind regards..

Ai Shan 05 May 2009

Lovely shots, Nira!

Artist Reply: again thanks.

Anonymous Guest 05 May 2009

Yes, Nira, I find most all cats very loving regardless of color. And yes, each black cat has his/her own personality and each is different. Black cat, Charlie, outside, and black cat, Smoky, inside are equally wonderfully loving and both female. Charlie is, however, an alpha cat and the boss, and Smoky is a quiet little thing and totally Not the boss. Both want to be on your lap and grew up outside. My 6 other inside cats grew up inside and are very loving yes, and Chester (Gray with white), especially loving like Smoky. Charlie & Smoky, both black, are the most loving outside cats I have Ever met. And want to be with you allll the time and even inside. Only Smoky can be inside and accepted by the other cats. My 6 do not want a boss. hahahahha XOXOXO Sharon

Artist Reply: oh, Sharon.. YOU KNOW, What cats mean... I know. Thanks for sharing... XOXOX Nira.

Alberto D'Assumpcao 05 May 2009

Fantastic images and cats, Nira!!

Artist Reply: Thanks a lot, dear Alberto.. Best wishes.. NIRA.

jorge gallardo 05 May 2009

Vegetarian cats??? I like that! Nice photos Nira.

Artist Reply: No, Jorge, they aren't particularly vegetarians.. these cats eat wet and dry food. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous Guest 05 May 2009

PS I am the anonymous Nira. Sharon

Anonymous Guest 05 May 2009

I totally agree with you on color and character, Nira. Seems ridiculous to think that. But I have notice that black kitties on the whole seem to be extra loving. I haven't a clue why. Because it's not rational to think that color has anything at all to do with it. Perhaps because they are black, they are overlooked; not seen. They do disappear in many settings. Sooooo they seek out love, because noone is stopping to pick them up simply because their color makes them not as noticed. Things like this are true for humans. I became blond for 8 years one time and my thinking immediately changed. I wore brighter colors and sexier clothes; I felt different and thought differently about myself. Again I thought how can this be. Ridiculous. I noticed in photos, I paled; I was not as photogenic, but I stayed blond. Then one day I decided to just go my color of hair again. I, of course, did not wear the colors I had with blond. Now, I thought I was unique in this phenomena, but I read an article in a magazine about other women who went blond, and they had the very same feelings as I did & wore different clothes. Everything for them changed also. Soooooo I am willling to bet that it is the same for cats of black. :) XOX

Artist Reply: OK,Sharon.. there's something in what your saying of course. First I believe there can be that one race of cats, may have a difference character then the other, in general. To be correct, my brother used to think that the Black ones are the best ( not sure how he think today)... But then... we had wonderful loving cats from all kinds of colours, actually...Then, I'll ask a rhetorical question, are all Black kitties the same ?... perhaps similar, not totally the same.My kitty Silk, is MOST LOVING, by the way... :-) and he's not Black... :-) Indeed, outside change can influence the inside, I also agree on this... And, I think indeed.. Sometimes character of a person, or a pet, can COVER for "unattractive" look or colour... But then of course unattractive to one can be attractive to another. Thanks again.. You are beautiful Sharon... :-) XOX

Reba McDonald 05 May 2009

Nice shots Nira. My children used to bring home every stray kitten they could find and then take them from door to door to find homes for them.

Artist Reply: Reba'le.. Not only your kids are wonderful. You educated then wonderfully, by finding homes for the kitties. Oh, yes.. I remember those days, that I used to put advertisement in "Ha'eir" newspaper, "KACHTEN".. (It was free :-) for those stray cats that were born at my parents.. and actually people used to come and take, especially when they saw the mother was Siamese and the father supposed to be Black one... And our black ones were so beautiful :-).. with shiny fur. Thanks a lot.

Sharon Gonzalez 05 May 2009


Artist Reply: Well.. some black kitties, i used to have were truly magnificent & loving. I think colour, has no meaning in character usually, Sharon. XOXOX Nira.

lillianhibiscus 05 May 2009

Oh what a fabulous capture Nira! Such beautiful cats; you would never know that they are strays!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much dear, Lillian... I think their attribution is not really important. Strays a lot of times raised in home, and are so WONDERFUL... The Black ones, if you have them at home, they get such shiny velvet fur.. quite amazing actually. Kind regards.. Nira.

ruth sears 05 May 2009


Artist Reply: Thanks a lot.. Ruth... regards.

Emily Reed 05 May 2009


Artist Reply: They are very sweet, Emily and definitely a change in the studio's garden. Thanks so much.

Thom Roslan 05 May 2009

Great capture Nira.....We "feed" 2 other cats from around the neighborhood.....One we call Charlie (an Orange long-haired Calico) and Blackie (a pure Black one with "cropped" ears....Don't know how that came about !) Plus of course my cat Paco Rabonne.

Artist Reply: Hello again :-)... Thanks for sharing your cats stories, my friend Thom. To tell you something, we used to have a dog during the 70's, called Blackie.. just by the way... I came in for just few minutes, the same time you were visiting...

Stefani Wehner 05 May 2009

The black gang so excellently catched.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Stef.. regards, NIRA.

Anneke Hut 05 May 2009

Very sweet! My mother is a cat feeder too, it's good to have them.

Artist Reply: :-) Thanks so much, Anneke, my brother also is a feeder. They are wonderful, if you care to enjoy them... regards, NIRA.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 05 May 2009

such a beautiful cats!! a completed family....

Artist Reply: Part of the family, Nellshuka.. regards.. NIRA.

kelvin Hughes 05 May 2009

are you sure you dont live nearme there are three identical cats that live across the street from me the come into my garden every day for the sole purpose of leaving thheir droppings and digging up my plants

Artist Reply: Our family history of "love to cats" starts with those black ones... :-)... Perhaps you are my neighbor, Kelvin... in virtual world for sure!... I'll visit you later...