• Heli Aarniranta
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  • Image 1719 of 2348
  • Added 09 Jul 2009
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cityswirls...computer art

..my button design ..came a long ..like they usually are in bursts or like these swirls of energy.. base is captured a floral picture yet again wondering along the streets of Helsinki.with my camera..what I know is I like making these buttons...:=)) Fun to create...these effects...bless and try something creative with web tools..for postprocess of digital photography.. all rights reserved.. Title: Smiles from behind the heaven© 7/9/09;=) SMILES FROM BEHIND THE HEAVENS GATE© ="HYMY TAIVAAN PORTIN TAKAA©1996" also a title given to me 1996 when poetry writing was starting..as means of bursting creativity from inside bless..here we are..on the journey..that turned into a way of the soul..a lifelong creative path..bless..called life..in every cycle and face possible..and in many ways expressed. 2011 turned to "purpose"e photography.. created video on you tube channel..;=) something funny happened..2010-2011 when i tried to log into it..no access to my own channel how funny..and what might have used that or whom HM!!! *been a little journey on its own to find that out bless...all in due time..we find out who whom and to what intent and whose doings different things is and how they are linked and used and the cause and effects too..so be aware of your intentions in the first place..outcomes can be a little different than you expected or visualized it actually to be..during the road/path..to where you intended to it to go.. -


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Alberto D'Assumpcao 10 Jul 2009

Fantastic composition, Heli!

Artist Reply: Thank you Alberto so delighted you liked it.Appriciate the feedback always from You.Joyful summerweekend.:=))

lillianhibiscus 09 Jul 2009


Artist Reply: Bless Lillian for the comment so so inspiring..like it was making this yesterday..Appriciate it.Great summerfriday to You and Yours.Blessed be the weekend of yours.

Laurel Talabere 09 Jul 2009

A beautiful, flowing image. Really outstanding piece of work.

Artist Reply: Thank you Laurel..It was intresting to create..Blessing to you and Yours and lovely summerday and weekend:=))

Heloisa Castro 09 Jul 2009


Artist Reply: Heloisa-always a delight hearing from you and the comment appriciate it muc:=) Lovely summer greetings from Finland and hope your weekend is filled with joy.:=))

ruth sears 09 Jul 2009

you just never disappoint,this is enchanting and just plain exquisite!

Artist Reply: Thank you Ruth and You are so kind and gentle unique soul-bless for this inspiring comment.Appriciated.