• Bob Caldwell
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  • Image 45 of 102
  • Added 08 Sep 2009
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Truck in Chimayo


Anonymous Guest

Steve Farr 16 Jun 2010

This is wonderfully done, Bob!!~S

Artist Reply: Steve your comment is greatly appreciated. It is good to get opinions, especially from other artist that know the subject and the hard work and many hours of painting, drawing..etc.

Heloisa Castro 15 Apr 2010

Outstanding work

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 17 Mar 2010

this is such a special photo, so fascinated by this.

Artist Reply: Nelly, I really appreciate your comment, it means so much to me. I also want to add that you have such a special gift as an artist and I encourage to continue on with your paint brush that turns into magic every time you touch the canvas.

David Mask 26 Feb 2010

cool truck...I like it...like the colors a lot...thanks for the great comments.

Jeff Thomason 03 Feb 2010

What great color and mood. You've really captured the feel of the old broken down car, the metal, and the sandy dessert it's parked in.

Regina Coeli deWinter 08 Sep 2009

This is a wonderful piece, Bob.

Artist Reply: Regina, your thoughs about this art piece means so much to me..thank you so very much.

Sharon Gonzalez 08 Sep 2009


Artist Reply: Sharon, your comment on this piece really means a lot to me. I am so glad you enjoyed this one. Also much thanks for sharing your newest work in your portfolio. So much to be said about your work.

Liz Robinson 08 Sep 2009

I absolutely love this Bob and the light in background gives it a lovely eerie feeling.

Artist Reply: Liz, Thank you for stopping along the road side of life to give notice to my art work. Your words are very encouraging and because of this I thank you so very much. I had found this truck in the High desert of New Mexico. There was no motor inside of it and I had notice that it had been bullet riddled and many rusty beer cans had littered that whole area. I had come back with my camera and took several shots with a 38 wide angle lens. It wasn't until about 8 yrs later I decided to make an art piece out of it. I can't really say why but I have a love affair with Rust, especially a yellow car or truck with Rust on it. There are many old Trucks and cars that are partially buried in the New Mexico sand and it does something to my senses to where I want to hangout there for a while, or a few hours, especially in the late afternoon while the sun sinks down below the Sangre De Chrsito's.