• Mia Bailey Hopper
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  • Image 44 of 83
  • Added 17 Oct 2009
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Titania and Puck

I've listed this painting and another on eBay. They're the last in a series I was working on. The other is called Psycho babydoll (another fairy and skull which lists starting at $9.99) under my gothiquefairy Identity. This one kind of came out a fave but, while the camera gets the colors muuuch closer than the scanner it is blurry. Does anyone know what causes that? I have a fairly new Kodak C813. Thank you! Thank you for looking!! =)

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 27 Jan 2016

Me dull. You smart. That's just what I needde.

Anonymous Guest 04 May 2011

Ppl like you get all the brains. I just get to say tahnks for he answer.

Olga van Dijk 29 Apr 2010

BEAUTIFUL artwork Mia! Wow!!

Artist Reply: Thank you! =)

Steve Farr 28 Mar 2010

This looks FANTASTIC, Mia!!!! Excellent composition and details!!! Luv it!!~S

Artist Reply: Thank you kindly =)

Kirsten Talmage 29 Dec 2009

I love the depth of the colors. Making sure the camera is on a tripod also helps, parallel to the artwork. If you must use a flash (if, say, the only time you have to work is late at night), you can diffuse the flash -- I'm cheap, so I use either tissue paper or white fabric over my pop-up built-in flash.

Artist Reply: Thank you for the kind words and especially for the help! =)