• Oliver Wetter
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  • Added 26 Mar 2010
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Broken and fixed 2009

This one is my tribute to a photographer Horst P. Horst, who has made this origin a popular fashion photograph. Read my current blog post for more infos about it:http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://fantasiox.blogspot.com/2010/01/broken-and-fixed-part-3-tribute-to.html Sad there is no Mixed media category that describes work done digitally and traditionally. This one would fit in there as a digital collage, the reference was a Poser -model and the corsage (done by tolllkirsche ) is photographed and painted together digitally, then printed out and cut into pieces, which then where again put together as collage and hands on traditional for the finish and painting. Finally the shelf and the band were added to the canvas which was then photographed and worked over in Photoshop to be reduced into duotone to get closer to the one its inspired from. Print available here: http://www.deviantart.com/print/10402472/ Original still for sale -note me: http://fantasio.deviantart.com/art/Broken-and-fixed-09-original-152073295


Anonymous Guest

nikos kanellos 26 Mar 2010

Interesting concept!

Michael Easter 26 Mar 2010

Stunning work of fine art!