• Studio EarWorm
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  • Image 8 of 68
  • Added 07 Jun 2004
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EarWorm MP3

MP3.com no longer exists, but I had a wonderful time there. It's their web page, but the cartoon images are all done by EarWorm. The songs were terrible, by the way, but sometimes funny. Kind of like my art...


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Lenny Hall -Experimental Images 09 Jun 2004

You're priceless and me I'm as dingy as ever.I came to see the image and tried to play one of the songs.You got me again.You should get 20 points for that alone.What a minute.Maybe I did something wrong and I can play mp3's on art wanted.TOO BAD ART WANTED DOES HOST ITTY BIITY MOVIES>Oh well someday the world may catch up to the wonders of the one we call Earworm.I can sleep well now knowing that someone else is ON WATCH.I'm a brown noser but I can only rate you a 9 because....A little brown nosing never hurt anyone.A lot on the other hand.Well that could get you in trouble.Welcome Back The Free world of creativity has its hero back.Long Live Earworm.

Simeti Studios 07 Jun 2004


WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 07 Jun 2004

well, well, well, it's the "Earworm." Good seeing back...you did leave for a while right? great looking stuff my friend.--denny