• Elise Wong
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  • Image 27 of 53
  • Added 22 Feb 2013
  • 1 Comment
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Unappreciated Beauty

I uploaded this on my blog and I had a lo to say about this. When people talk about the environment, I'm sure somewhere in their would be like, "Ohh, sure comes another tree hugging hippie. what you wanna say now?" Fair enough, I do preach unto others about caring more for the environment but I rather put it in a more visual outcome. Here is how I see the earth right now. The unfavourable black and white destructed background is ugly, dull and dead, and we are destroying it. The unicorn represents mother nature doing its part as usual to make things grow. However, at the rate we're destroying the earth, mother nature can only do so much to keep up. To me, add a lil colour, a lil brown and green and it makes the scene already that much more beautiful. I hope this painting has moved you in someway. I wrote more in my blog if you would like to read and I would be absolutely touched if you do so http://eel-elix.blogspot.com/2012/11/is-my-latest-artwork.html

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Tim Linville 18 Mar 2014

Most Beautifully Expressed!I Agree About This World.We Live In Entitlement Societies.That Is Only Dangerous to the Planet.You Expressed This Theme Better Than Most Could Have :)

Artist Reply: Thank you, Tim. Your comments are really inspiring :)