• Jade Bengco
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 6 of 43
  • Added 27 Jul 2023
  • 1 Comment
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Title: HEIR TO THE ICE KINGDOM--my Ice Prince--next in line to the Frost Realm's throne. He realizes that there are others who would do him harm to lay their claim and he ponders over the next move he has to make. He is much beloved by the people, but their feelings alone cannot curtail the malicious plots and whispers that are going on inside the castle. Rumor has it that his half brother fancies himself the next ruler and curries favor with the ailing king. Strong blues and greys and silver on his coat; the cool colors belies the warmth in his kind brown eyes, golden brown hair and warm complexion--a legacy from his long dead mother, a warrior princess who hailed from the Southern kingdoms. Lots of precious jewels are encrusted over the sleeves of his long winter coat edged in fur from the pelts of ravenous ice wolves that terrorize the villagers. There's plenty of detail on this painting which took some time for me to complete. But, I think it was worth the effort.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Blonde Blythe 28 Jul 2023

Stunning! Great color palette!