• Robin Wester
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  • Added 27 Apr 2006
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Mom and Dad...

My Mom and Dad when they were young. I just cleaned it up a wee and added color. The image below is my Dad... who is on his last days. We have to keep him on morphine all the time now and he does not eat. The photo of him in bed was taken in February and if you could see him now... just skin a bones. So, I lose my beloved Father and my beloved George at the same time. George is going to be cremated and buried with my father. Yes... I am quite the mess.

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Anonymous Guest

Maddison Jamison 28 Apr 2006

Oh Robin, I'm so sorry you are going through this but you have done such a wonderful job of restoring and coloring the image of your parents when they were obviously happy with life. Remember, you dad will always be with you, in not in the flesh, most definitely in the spirit. We truly never leave our loved ones, and they never leave us. My prayers are with you.

Artist Reply: Thank you for your heart felt words Maddison, I do take strength from the support everyone has shown and the kind, generous words. Thank you.

Lara Falcone 28 Apr 2006

Sweetie, you have posted a fun a beautiful shot and a very open and honest text here. You and your family are in my thoughts. All I can do is send you love and strength. I have lost 9 people since my daughter was born...grief can be so confusing. From the look of your parents photo they are fun spirited people, that will always live within you! Ciao hun, Lara

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much for your support. I do deeply appreciate the support everyone has shown.

Christine brand 27 Apr 2006

Hello Robin...it is just me...I am not sure of what to say. I don't want to sound superficial...it is so sobering when these times come into our lives...I only wish comfort and strength for you and peace for your soul, love and goodnes for your family...I know you do not know me very well but I have seen your strong spirit over the last year and believe in the beauty of your soul...May I extend my empathy and prayers...Sincerely CB

Artist Reply: Thank you Christine. I appreciate your kind words. Thanks to everyone.

PMyers 27 Apr 2006

:{ I am so sad for you and your family. I can see the love your parents had for each other in the top photo. I love that smile of your mom. I wish you well and know that you are in my thoughts. Penny

Artist Reply: Thank you very much! Can you imagine those pointy eyebrows when they were angry??? hehe pretty scary, I tell ya. I am very much a reflection of both my parents. My mom's passion and intensity and my dad's sly sense of humor.

Chris Williams 27 Apr 2006

great restoration work very hard i know