• carmen melton
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  • Added 10 May 2006
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Summer Fruits

All mankind celebrates in the renewal of life. Growth in every aspect can be seen all around us. We are reminded every spring when delicate buds emerge slowly from winter branches, when tiny seeds once buried dormant beneath a frozen earth now burst through the soil as leafy greens to rise up towards the sun, and when a world of gray slowly melts away to reveal a rich, vibrant palette of color. In any season, when a woman's belly begins to bulge with the presence of another soul, we are also reminded of such a beautiful occasion. God and all the earth is on the side of the unborn child. The mother's body was created as a vessel to nurture and protect him inside her womb. For three seasons he is nestled in a sea of rich fluid where he can float, play, drink and pass the hours away in peaceful assurance that he is so deeply loved, even though the world, his mother, has yet to meet him. This piece represents for me these feelings of intense joy experienced by the ability to create and harbor new life. 11x17 OIL on LACE on WOOD, 2006

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jO ANNA jARVIS 21 Sep 2008

Carmen...Your portfolio is "Wonderful"...Love its diversity!

Vera Harned 24 May 2006

Super work!

Maddison Jamison 16 May 2006

Congratulations Carmen. As I read this, I related to your words through visuals within the art. It speaks volumes. Fantastic work and I love the lace filter effect.

Chris Williams 12 May 2006

great image love the textuire

Michele Collins 11 May 2006

Beautiful and Unique!