• Terry Harris
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  • Image 190 of 450
  • Added 30 Sep 2006
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Decisons To Make kalidiscope

Sometimes your mind has to make decisions of what path to take, what way to go. These deciscions will run into roadblocks at times, detours, or take you straight through. Decisions tiny or huge reflect so many things about our souls, state of mind, truth or falsehoods. You chose how to live and how to cope with what you do. Trust and have faith in your self and you will make it through the maze of life. May you find the pathsways that take you to the joys of life.

5 of 10 Comments Show All 10 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Minnie Shuler 14 Oct 2007

I am a sucker for anything purple or green. Beautiful design. Such spectacular detail. Amazing.

Artist Reply: I am also a purple nut. Often I sneak some in a painting just because. Glad you like this one! Thanks Minnie!

tazda lawson 06 Oct 2006

Super colorful .......the design is so appealing.

Artist Reply: Thanks Tazda! It is differentin some ways than some of my other designs.

Anonymous Guest 02 Oct 2006

This one freaks my eyeballs out a little...

Artist Reply: LOL! You should see it enlarged! It's worse! I chose the colors and the sdesign to show the stress of the brain when one tries to make decisons and how the outcome of decisions made can run amuck or not.

Carliss Mora 01 Oct 2006

Fabulous concept, and artwork, Terry!

Artist Reply: THank you Carliss. Life is such a journey of choices. The ones we can make, right or wrong, we need to learn from, and keep on going.

Joke Schotting 30 Sep 2006

Beautiful design,Terry!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Joke! Your flower works will always be a treasure of the eyes for me.