• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 26 Nov 2007
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The Yin and Yang of Elephants

To see the beauty of the light of day I must first travel some distance through the darkness. To know the taste of the sweetness of this life I must sample some of the bitter fruits of my being. To experience the grandeur of my existence I must bear witness to the deaths around me. Such is this titanic struggle for balance. This Yin and Yang of the circle of life. The peace that I seek is deep within the circumference of this circle. It is where I find the still point where all struggles cease and a rest so peaceful and comforting exists. It is as if the two Behemoths of the duality of survival have reached a peace treaty, a truce, and they coexist in a beautiful harmony that only the understanding fortunate know of. This peace is in the center of the very being of my life. It is where my Beloved resides. This elusive center is everywhere and it's circumference is nowhere. Such is this paradox, this Mystery, I speak of. A Mystery that I desire and long for. This Mystery whose path I seek and have caught brief glimpses of when I resolutely set my compass to discover It's munificence. There within It's loving embrace I cease to struggle and I cease to compete in climbing the "ladder of success". It has been has been my experience to witness that it is most disheartening to climb to the top of the "ladder of success" only to find out that the ladder is on the wrong wall. So, here I remain resolved to continue my quest for this balance, this balance that brings peace. As I end this little dissertation I am reminded of the children's fairy tale of Goldilocks who sought the perfect bowl of porridge, the perfect chair, and the perfect bed only to be startled and awakened by the reality of the bears. I think I know now how little Goldilocks must have felt when reality broke her perfect afternoon nap. At times I too have had that wonderful slumber that she was experiencing only to be awaken by my own "bears". visionary imagist "Joey"

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Faun Holmes 09 Feb 2008

What a wonderful piece Vis,love it

Nikolay Semyonov 02 Dec 2007

amazingly creative work, my friend.

Artist Reply: Nikolay: I always appreciate you taking the time to stop by and comment on my little oil painting. Thanks for sharing with me.

annette steens 30 Nov 2007

A super wonderful expression for yin and yang! An incredible nice painting!

Artist Reply: Annette: Thanks for commenting on my little take on the Yin and the Yang of life. I do so appreciate your wise insights.

Gabrielle Stahlie 29 Nov 2007

Joey, to climb the ladder of succes on the wrong wall is a strong metaphore. And so is the story of Goldilocks . The bears of reality can walk into one's life suddenly, without knocking on the door and without warning. It is a heavy (as you called it titanic) struggle to keep the balance. Pure perfection and a pure balance we do not find here, we can only try to come near it and as close as we can. A very strong, beautiful captured image, you have shared here.

Artist Reply: Gabrielle: Thanks for those wise and profound thoughts. i really enjoy seeing and hearing your words. Thanks you again my friend.

Ann Fawssett-Atkin 28 Nov 2007

Another superb entry VI. You just amaze me with your range of subject matter.

Artist Reply: Ann: I love to paint and explore new vistas and themes. i never grow tired of exploring. thanks for noticing my work.