• Charles Jones
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  • Added 31 Aug 2013
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On April 4, 1982, I had a one-man show at the local Unitarian Church here in Austin. Here you see me (on the R) discussing a mobile entitled 'Topography' I had constructed out of found materials. Just below there is a box with other found objects with electrical lights embedded. I forget the name of it, unfortunately. You can see that between the August 1981 Dusk Alley Festival and this Fall 1982 show, I'd grown a beard---to look more artsy, I'm sure. ;) Original Jones Art still handmade in Austin, Texas.


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Stanley Layman 04 Jun 2014

I had an art critic that told me I didn't look the part of an artist. He told me to loose a hundred pounds and grow a beard. I could not loose the weight, I grew a beard and sold a painting. I am not sure why for sure that it sold but, I kept the beard for nearly twenty years. Now, I have been clean shaven for almost that long. I am still about 100 lbs. to much, but, I don't care. I do not look at me. I look at whatever I'm going to paint, draw, or photograph.

Chris Roukema 02 Sep 2013

Great Photos of Your Very Artistic Times, Charles!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent Artwork! That Box is a Unique Creation! Thank You for sharing some of Your History! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Hey, thanks, Chris! After finding these old pics, I thought that uploading a few might add to a general understanding some of my distant past. Really liked that new upload, BTW. :)