• Elton Houck
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  • Added 22 Jul 2020
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(c) 1985 Elton Houck...ballpoint pen with typewriter carbonpaper rub and fixative on 5" X 7.5" paper mounted on 8" X 10" Bristol. ----Think about it..if these WORDS had never been spoken, we would still be in the Garden-- "Who hast told thee that thou wast naked?"...do you remember who enlightened us...one they call the advesary..the father of lies...the originator of sin, the Prince of the Power of the air, the dragon--Lucifer. But alas, we still have a fairer Garden awaiting if we choose to accept such a great prize and come back to our Creator....JESUS OFFERS MANKIND FORGIVENESS OF SIN AND ETERNITY IN PARADISE, IF WE WILL ONLY ACCEPT HIS SACRAFICIAL OFFERING. HIS BLOOD HE SHED TO PAY A DEBT HE DID NOT OWE--THE FORGIVNESS OF YOURS AND MY SINS....WHAT DO YOU SAY..ITS A NO BRAINER---JESUS PAID YOUR FINE..YOU ONLY HAVE TO TRUST HIM AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR...AND YOU ARE HOME FREE..NO CHAINS OF SIN BINDING YOU..=======OR, IF YOU WISH==YOU CAN KEEP YOUR SIN , TURN YOUR BACK ON GOD AND WAIT FOR YOUR ETERNITY TO BEGIN IN HELL! .DON'T BE THE JESTER, THE FOOL,..THE DAMNED FOR ALL TIME..AND TIME AND TIME....All it takes is a contrite heart, a bended knee, and a soul crying out to God--"Here I am Lord, I am yours." And God will mend your broken heart and wipe away your tears....THIS IS THE DEAL OF THE CENTURY====HOW CAN ANYONE SAY NO??

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Anonymous Guest

Maria Anna Machado 22 Jul 2020

Adan and Eve??? good ...beautiful work...