• John Enright
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  • Added 19 Jul 2006
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Realm of the Shark (book)

Our scientists continue to learn from this majestic creature, now on the endangered species list, perhaps due to the greed of International fishing and drift-netting practices worldwide, and perhaps in some regards, to the movies like JAWS that created a hatred for the shark. It is interesting to note that more people die each year from bee stings than from shark attacks. More people die from confrontations with deer than from shark attacks. Yet we kill more than a million of these graceful beasts each year to every human that they bite. We carve off thier fins for soup and throw their bodies back into the sea. This small children's book will be a small part of re-educating our civilization to the potential source of wonder and knowledge from the shark. Note: sharks have never known to have cancer...of any kind.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Nira Dabush 19 Jul 2006

AWESOME COMPOSITION!!! So beautifully done...!!!Great text to go with it...it can be also a great T-shirt..LOVE IT!