• Jayde Hilliard
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  • Added 03 Feb 2012
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ICF 2011 Poster

So back in February, I was snowed in from work for a week and had plenty of idle time on my hands. My husband and I have been working on a 1973 Fiat Spider for the past year or so, and I just couldn't decide how I wanted to paint it. SO... I got my idle little hands to work making a 'paperdoll' of our pet Spider. :) Well, the paperdoll (which is also located in this gallery) got noticed and I was asked to create art for the 2011 ItalianCarFest, which this year is welcoming back Fiat to the US market! (and lemme tell ya.. I've driven one of the new 500's and it is FUN!) I have a minute history of painting vehicles, mainly from Jr. High when painting gifts for my dad, because he loves Harleys. I hadn't done it in a while and greatly enjoyed painting the cars, as I myself and quite the fan of the automotive world. It's very different from my usual medium of painting fleshy things and flowers and whatnot. Painted metals (and structures) shade so differently and really must be exact to look right. Hopefully you like what I have created, and if you are local or willing to travel can make it out to the show. :) My husband and his friend entered two of their cars last year, had a blast. Saw lots of cool Lambos, Ferraris, Lancias, Fiats, Alphas, and all sorts of cool stuff! (GOTTA check out he Panteras! They were my favorite!) Plus, it's located on this historic Nash Farm in Grapevine, TX. The city has done a wonderful job or restoring and maintaining the property. As a matter of fact, money that is gathered by the ICF is given back to the city's historic fund to help preserve the city's historical buildings! For more information about ICF you can visit their website: http://www.italiancarfest.org/

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