• Jade Bengco
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  • Image 30 of 43
  • Added 13 May 2012
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What can I say, but--this was so much fun to do--and a first for me! I imagined a post-apocalyptic world where the seas have almost covered earth's entirety. No longer arrayed with brilliant hues--all but the strange, drab and somber colored plant life have been wiped out from the ocean's depths. With the vast scientific knowledge in bio-engineering and genetic manipulation their only legacy from the wars--humans had to adapt and hybridize themselves in order to live in a mostly underwater world. Mutant fishes have evolved and danger lurk all around. My part shape shifter, part Mecha merman is on patrol with his friend and lover--a double-tailed human/mermaid hybrid. Her robotic arm tenses as she senses danger nearby--in the form of one huge mutant fish heading their way!

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