• Lauren Maxwell
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  • Added 24 Jan 2005
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Cultural Identity

Okay, so here's the skinny. My English Teacher's covering the "Harlem Renaissance" and the recognition of culture and so on and so forth. Basicully, this is a project reflecting my culture through heritage. Starting with the top left-hand corner is the upside down star which represents the Eastern Stars which is an aristocratic female free masons of which I qualify because my Mom's an Eastern Star, my Grandfather's a freemason, and my Great Grand Father's also a free mason. In the center of the top is the phrase "E Pluribus Uniom" which goes without explanation. In the top-right hand corner is the Free Mason symbol, which I already explained. To the right of the center is my Great Uncle's sword. He was part of the Mason's Knights Templar and served the working class in the early 1900's. At the bottom of the picture are two spliced photographs from the Civil War. The First picture, some may recognize, is the war at Antinem (sp?) where my great, great grandfather lead the union forces against Lee and eventually was the democratic represenative to run against Lincoln in the second election coming away with more then 40% of the popular vote. The second spliced picture shows union and rebel calvary for two reasons. The first, because my Great, great, Grandfather is the creater of the McClellan Saddle (still used today) and my other Great, Great Grandfather, shaw, was a Calvary Captain for the Johnny Rebs. To the left is a faded picture of the Korean War Ranger's memorial. My Grandfather served in the Korean War as a ranger and was present at Porkchop hill. Below that are my father's dog tags, blurred to conceal my real last name but their his all the same. Lastly is a doodle of myself, kind of a way to show my pride in my family's heritage and the influence they've had since my first relitives came over from Ireland and Wales. I do have relitives on my Mom's side, aside from my Ranger Grandfather, who served in WW2 and WW1 but seeing as how I know very little about them I didn't know exactly what they did or how I could respect them. Also I hear I'm 1/16th Cherokee but again, I know very little about supposed Great, Great, great Aunt so I left that out as well. Not sure if any of my family served in the revolution or the war of 1812. The earliest record of battle is in the civil war. So that's about it. I kinda like how this came out.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Kate Malcolm 25 Jan 2005

Agreed. Gorgeous collage and i love the way you've drawn youself. One com[plaint, the hands need to be a bit bigger. What i mean is that the figers aree fqr too teeny tiny for the rest of the figure, but that is a minor problem and one that takes nothing but practice (I know, MORE of it! lol) to fix... I really really like this image... great job! (nothing more to say. heh ^_^)