• Kate Malcolm
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  • Image 37 of 68
  • Added 06 Feb 2005
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Just a little thing I did for my friend Buttercup: the comic book geek-a-freak. Its fun. This was done as a little congratulations to him for finishing highschool. Although, he actually graduated in October (with the rest on the 2004 graduates.) Becuase it was part way through the year and because no-one really gave a damn he got his own little blurb of drawn nothingness. (By the way that middle line on the first panel is supposed to say "Now it is time"). So, anyway, this is my view of him as a super hero. I must say his girlfriend makes a better superhero than he, however... and Amanda, please dont be offended ^_^ Its been a long time since I've seen you (stupid school eh!?) So I was having trouble recalling what you looked like... I do hope this little doodle of mine is not offending. Well, thats it. I'm getting tired as it is very late... or early depending on how you see it... so G'night and enjoy. ... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!


Anonymous Guest

Kassandra 26 Mar 2005

is it amanda and shawn? i love it if it is! it looks like them well it looks like amanda not much like shawn though lol but i love it ... now one of me

megan horachek 18 Feb 2005

Haha!!! The hat!! This is great.

M. Woodside 08 Feb 2005


Brianne Macdonald 07 Feb 2005

Hhehe that rocks. Me next! :( I'll cry if you don't. :P