• Heather Dennis
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  • Image 63 of 64
  • Added 02 Aug 2005
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Amilu's forest

@.@ well, I managed to use every color in the rainbow creating this. Not my original goal. This took forever and a day in Photoshop to color& so much detail @.@. As for the character presented in it, it's one of my characters, Amilu (strangely enough not designed by me). He was a gift from a friend for a role-playing game on www.gaiaonline.com :3. She created him as a strange sort of satyr, less goat and more deer. XD I love him to death, he acts like an adolescent satyr (oooh the trouble that brings about. If any of you know anything about satyrs you will know exactly what that means @.@.) who is obsessed with other fairies and magic that he shouldn't be messing with. I hope everyone enjoys the image.

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Anonymous Guest

Victor Rolfe 18 Nov 2005

Stunning, beautiful enchanting and all of the other superlatives mentioned by previous comentators below. I also have to say that for me, the sky and the jacket are just fine! ...Perfect!!

Danny Cottam 09 Aug 2005

wow. this is very cool! everything from the back ground to the character is very well done. excelent work. youyr deffinantly goin in my ar#@&*ch, mate. keep up to good work :D

Cassie Chamberlain 03 Aug 2005

a beautiful and unique character. The blue jacket feels a bit out of place with all the other greens. reds and browns but it is a stunning image ^-^ b

Emily Reed 02 Aug 2005


Malin Hagman 02 Aug 2005

Wow, magic!