• Adelle John
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 79 of 182
  • Added 27 Jan 2006
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Echad Yah, Echad Eretz, Echad Am

This painting has been redone as it was slightly damaged in storage (superficially scratched), I repaired it and changed some of it and couldn't get it to upload the new photo so had to start from square one. "One G-d, One Earth, One People" Although Judaism does talk of the Choseness of the Jewish people and calls them to be separate, the word they use for separtate is related to "Holy" I think most Jews would agree with me that these days we all need to be very aware that all people are One People, all children of G-d, and we need to practice honoring the precept of not doing what is hateful to ourselves to anyone else (Hillel) and to be concerned and responsible for our brothers and sisters, whether they are our close blood relative, members of our own communtity, of people sick and dying of Aids in Afrika or living in poverty down the tracks or the old person needing friendship down the street....


Anonymous Guest

Hector Rios - Arternatives 28 Jan 2006

Ms. Jean, I simply would like to state that you are one of my favorite artists as well. I truly appreciate the childlike simplicity and the ability to convey your message and thoughts without reservation. The use of pure compatible-colors in your compositions, is a gift, from God to you and from you to us. Thank you for being bold in your perspectives and kind in your delivery. Best wishes, and KEEP PAINTING WILL YA?!

Artist Reply: thank you Hector. Thank you to all of you. I have visited every one of your portfolios and you are all very gifted artists. It is an honor to have your praise. Toda Rabbah (Many thanks) and may we all continue to grow as artists and friends. Let it be so.

Elton Houck 27 Jan 2006

Very lovely work filled with Godly comnpassion and charity! Here you are close to heaven.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much. You are one of my biggest fans and you keep me feeling good about my art. Toda Rabbah (many thanks in Hebrew) B'Shalom, (in peace) Adelle

pf jones 27 Jan 2006

Amen to you thoughts. We ALL need to work at making the world a better place. Thanks for your contribution. pfj

Artist Reply: Hi. I paid a visit to your portfolio today and it is very nice indeed--I think the word I would use to describe your art is "Delightful" Thank you for your compliment.

Analua 27 Jan 2006

Marvelous work Adelle!!!

Artist Reply: All the above applies to you as well. Visited your site, not for the first time. Nice work. Nice oil. You are very regular in your commments. I hope to get to be so. I had not been well for a long time and did not have the energy to keep track of everybody's new art. But I am feeling somewhat better and at least tonight feel well enough to do some looking around. Have insomnia anyway....Thanks.