• Jill Kettles
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  • Added 29 Aug 2006
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Long and Winding Road

This is a photo of a road in the famous Bonaventure Cemetery that was featured in the film, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I searched for the birdgirl statue-never found it. I like the fact that the photo graph almost looks like a watercolor.

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

margaret mckeehan 11 Jul 2008


Christine brand 30 Sep 2006

what a neat Phto...yes it does look like a painting...Very atmospheric!

Artist Reply: Thank you...I will try and review your work too!
Artist Reply: I meant to email you back...sorry...thanks! I will get to some of your pieces soon! Thanks JIll

Anonymous Guest 11 Sep 2006

hey jill too scientifically every area has its own effects on its place such as this.In a cemetry where bodies are buried.Whenever a living being dies our body releases certain gases.Which rises and because of which also the environment around the surrounding area start reacting to it.Which years later becomes fossil energy. Another point when these gases are released and rise.....to some peeps they look like spirits/ghost whatever and get scared.Boooooooo i got to know of this because i have done a project on this.

Artist Reply: Are you thinking that when I took the photo a certain, j'nais quoi, happened to make like it was blurry...I have taken a ton of photos in cemetaries over the years, but I think it this time it was my scan...cause I have printed it out on photo paper, and gotten a clear shot... Althougth I like your opinion....but are you being honest or scarcastic...

Meena Kurup 11 Sep 2006

nice pic. yes a little bluffy infact.I saved it tried zoomed it large.ur right jill.The pic looks likes oil painting.Sometimes we can do this in digitally too.Why dont you rescan it maybe it will come out better then because the trees in the far background looks colourless.The focus is divided everywhere.think you got the point.

Artist Reply: yeah, I think I need to re scan it too...I wil try and get that done soon. I will post it soon! Thanks, I have looked at your work and like what I first see, so I will review some soon! Thanks JIll

Eddy collins 10 Sep 2006

Nice work

Artist Reply: thanks! I appreciate it~