• Joanne Woolley
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 46 of 65
  • Added 25 Sep 2006
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Who's a Pretty Boy then?

This is my first attempt at an acrylic painting, I chose a parrot because of the lovely texture to the feathers and the vibrant colours. It's done on canvas board, thanks for looking, Joanne:)

5 of 14 Comments Show All 14 Comments

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Cathy Savels 06 Sep 2007

Excellent painting! You've really captured the textures of the feathers well. Not too convinced of the green eye though. Are they that green?

Artist Reply: Thank you very much Cathy. The eye on the photo I used as reference was quite bright, but maybe I emphasized it a bit, lol! :)

Fiona Robinson 06 Sep 2007

Whow, he is beautiful! Your very good a painting birds esp if it is the first time!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I thought this would be quite easy for my first attempt, I think attempting a human portrait would have been too hard:)

Dan Mills 29 Jan 2007

It's hard to believe that this is your first attempt with acryilcs! The eye is electric, great job. One thing, try not to use black. A mixture of burnt sienna and colbalt blue makes a more interesting dark shade.

Artist Reply: Thank you Dan, I will give that a try. Any advice on painting is always greatly appreciated, take care, Joanne:)

Kelly Bartlett 03 Jan 2007

Beautiful job, Joanne. It looks like a photograph.

Renata Cavanaugh 25 Oct 2006

First attempt????Wow that is amazing!