• Kathie Miller
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  • Added 25 Feb 2007
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Harris' Hawk

Animal Art

Harris' Hawk
(Parabuteo unicinctus)
The Harris' hawk is a medium-sized, tropical or semitropical hawk, widely distributed from the US-Mexico border south to Chile and Argentina. It is one of the most remarkable birds of prey, because it has a unique behavior pattern. These birds hunt in family groups, in much the same way that wolves hunt in packs. Each group consists of a pair, with a dominant female, and several helpers. When they sight their prey from the air, they land on the ground and take turns to scare the prey animal until it darts out from its hiding place and is captured by another member of the hunting pack. This seems to be an adaptation to flush out their prey from beneath the thorny habitats of mesquite, saguaro and semi-arid woodland so they don't damage their feathers. The main types of prey include rabbits, rodents, snakes, lizards and other birds.

Wildlife artist Kathie Miller has rendered this desert bird with loving details in colored pencils.

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Anonymous Guest

ascension nelson 17 Jul 2014

Incredible realism,impeccable detail.(:0)

Randy Nore 29 Sep 2007

Your higlighting is perfect!!

Mark Peterson 14 Sep 2007


Barbara Keith 07 Jul 2007

Stunning... absolutely stunning!

Adam Reed 19 Jun 2007

WOW! AWESOME! Great artwork Kathie! I love the detail and color in this artwork! Adam & Sheena