• John Houle
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  • Added 24 Oct 2007
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The Ship Eater

This is a drawing of an immature Ship Eater, luring a Pirate to his doom. Ship eaters can grow to enormous sizes and have developed a unique way to bring their prey to them. Using their spike like lure they impale a victim to use as bait. Much like an angler fish would do. This started when superstitious Island natives would sacrifice virgins to these monsters that would often suck down their canoes in a single mouthful. The monstrous fishes soon realized that they could use this bait tactic to lure in even bigger prey. Laying in wait and waving their seductive lure around, they were then able to catch the attentions of pirates and other ships that cruised the coastal waters. Thinking these maidens were in fact mermaids, the pirates would come close enough to seal their fate without suspecting what lay in wait for them. Making it too late for them to defend themselves once the attack started. The few ships that survived such attacks grew wise and often sent a newer crew member to investigate .... Much to the amusement and delight of his heartless fellows. I want to dedicate this to Jessica Douglas. This came from a dream that she had, and described to me ... Leading me to envision my own version of the beast. Secondly I love how she comes up with fantastical creatures and describes them as if she were an explorer discovering them herself for the first time. I tried to emulate that. Secondly I drew this on a sheet of paper that was tea stained by me and the poltergeist of a little girl that died in my house a long time ago. I sketched it in pencil lightly then shaded it with a Bistre conte crayon along with a sanguine conte for mid tones and a china white one for highlights. ENJOY.

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Anonymous Guest

John McDougall 23 Jan 2013

crazy good work.

steven mccorkle 09 Sep 2008

That's my kinda fish! Great imagination and execution.

Jean M. Laffitau 13 Nov 2007

Fabulous work John!

Renata Cavanaugh 25 Oct 2007

Excellent work John

Carl Bell 24 Oct 2007

TOO cool- I'm going to have to try the tea stain trick