• BySilent
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  • Added 01 Nov 2007
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The Collectors

Edematousfeculence, the undersea city on Siunni 4, utiilized the energy collectors to scrub toxic elements from the atmosphere of the planet. The Siunnians were forced to find other schemes to exist when the surface became uninhabitable. Siunni 4 was a central Whisties terrorist location where biological weapons were developed by the combination of Sheehanasaurus feculence, ammonia, Mohtpyskbabbleium and ground coprolite for an effective nerve agent that was delivered by various methods.

The collectors have unique characteristics: not only do they scrub the toxins from the air via osmosis, but they also expel carbon ‘oxides from the city. The collectors also supply solar energy and heat which power the entire infrastructure. They were invented by a team of dedicated scientists led by Dr. Offal A. Ctuate-Wo, the micro-biologist who foresaw the total disregard for the environment by the thugs of the Alliance. Dr. Ctuate-Wo was able to marshal the scientific community to create Edematousfeculence while the Whisties were so focused on creating their weapons of mass distraction and destruction. It took 350 breens to get the city and the bulk of the population to be integrated into the undersea biosphere. Once the atmosphere became unable to sustain a viable society on the surface, the Whisties left the planet, never to return.

source: Ipedia of Worthy Content (iWC) volume 34231; page 9.

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