• Terry Harris
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  • Added 20 Nov 2007
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Turkey Stroll

Daily the local wild turkeys can be found rambling along on our property or the neighbors. I've counted up to 36 in a flock so far. Sometimes they merge smaller flocks into the larger ones and then the tom turkeys will fight over who is the top male. Since Autumn has arrived they seem to merge more into the large flocks. They intimidate our dogs, and are not afraid of them when in large numbers. Our dogs are fenced usually, unless we're out with them. They know not to go bother the turkeys. I will try to post more turkey photos as Thanksgiving is coming up. I will post for fellow artist on the AW forums some photos that they can use for reference shots later today or tomorrow as I've so much access to taking photos of the turkeys. I've hundreds of turkey photos, but don't need them all to post. I use them for studying the turkey movements, anatomy, etc. for my art. Here's a shot of some strolling turkeys in my yard.

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Anonymous Guest

Chris Williams 07 Jan 2008

a great idea love it

Artist Reply: Thanks you Chris! I am behind posting up the photos, but will try to get to it soon.

Hui Zhu 20 Nov 2007

very nice shot...cheese^_^

Artist Reply: Thank you Hui! More turkey photos coming up this week.

Michael Forbus 20 Nov 2007

In Mexico they call a turkey a pavo, and a peacock a pavo real. Very interesting their name for the two of them. Great shot, Terry. Have a lovely time for Thanksgiving with your lovely family and enjoy yourself. Michael

Artist Reply: Thanks Miguel! They have lots of beautiful metalic color shimmers when you catch them in the sunlight. I'll try to post some of the ones I managed to capture that show that later. They are my morning alarm clock of late. I can even call them to come eat bird feed. They scare my dogs, and they don't scare that easy. I'll try to post up a variety of the best photos I captured so far this week. I'm posting up soon some freebies in the forum of turkeys for evanyone that wants to use them for reference photos since I am able toget so many photos of them. I can walk up to them about 5 feet some times and they will slowly walk away. Sometimes I have to chase them out of the way. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Emily Reed 20 Nov 2007


Artist Reply: LOL! I'm guarding them from you Emily! LOL! No hunting in my santuary! Besides, they would be tough and gamey in comparison to farm bred turkeys.

Gwen Battis 20 Nov 2007

Actually, that was me, Gwen, that just posted...sorry, I wasn't logged in when I made the comment!

Artist Reply: Thanks Gwen! I hadn't read that before, but will try to find it. I love reading abgout things like that. I know if you were hunting them out in the woods they aren't easy hunt. They will double back. The turkeys out about my home are more tame and used to people so, not on guard against being hunted. Or perhaps they just feel really safe here, as more seem to be arriving each week. I've seen them elsewhere in the area in small flocks of 5 -10 turkeys, but not like the 36 plus that are hanging around.