• BySilent
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  • Added 27 Mar 2008
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93 - Nasus Noaj

Socially Integrated Sciences (SIS) was a doctrine that was formulated by the IPUP Science Council during the waning years of the Whisties' Reign of Terror. The doctrine outlined that in all science and technological endeavors there must have a component that takes into account the effects it will have upon social development across the IPUP and any culture that asks for assistance from the IPUP.

The Science Council wanted to ensure that future scientific breakthroughs would have a positive effect upon the biospheres of a planet. Many planetary systems of the old Fartherthantruth Alliance were affected by the fanatical Whisties. The doctrine of SIS became very much a core principle as the IPUP decided to assist the Alliance to recover from all the damages done by the fanatics of the Lite Weight Church. Many SIS related projects where formulated to repopulate or rebuild systems that the Whisties' had completely decimated. The toll of damages done by the fanatical Whisties' were hundreds of star systems destroyed, billions of lives snuffed out and countless species made extinct by the Whisties. The Council put together the SIS doctrine to ensure that the science and the technologies used would ever be used as a weapon.

The first system to benefit from this doctrine was Nasus Noaj which was so badly damaged that the entire biosphere had to be terraformed.

Source: Ipedia of Worthy Content (iWC) vol 301, page 1

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