• Lori Seprodi
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  • Image 4 of 81
  • Added 02 Sep 2008
  • 1 Comment
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Defiler (back)

the defiler from behind, i should have taken a picture of the belly of it, theres much more detail underneath. the defiler alone took me 40 hours to complete.

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Anonymous Guest

samuel wright 06 Nov 2008

Wow, this is really cool...what the heck are these cool little things?...CLAY? or models or what?

Artist Reply: thank you samuel, this is a model actually. its part of a game my boyfriend plays, warhammer 40K. i painted well over 100 models for his army but i liked the ones i posted on here the best. aside from the game, they have painting contests and modeling contests held at the tournaments. basically its a table top game of war, you have your armies, movements and battles. there have to be a TON of different armies, paint schemes, etc. my boyfriend just happened to pick pink and black for his :o) thank you so much for checking out my stuff!