• Brian Duey
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  • Added 09 Sep 2009
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Little Girl Commission

Hi everyone. I'm back with a new drawing. About a week ago I was approached by a director in California about creating 2 portrait drawings for an upcoming film. I'm still not exactly sure how they are being used in the movie but from what I understand the main character is mourning the loss of his wife and child. He creates these drawings in memory of them. That's about all I know at this point. I am really thrilled about having my drawings in a movie, that's very exciting for me. They start shooting the movie on the 16th so both works need to be done and shipped by then. When this movie comes out I will let everyone know about it. It's called "George". 11"x14" Fabriano watercolor paper 3B, 7B, HB, B, 2H pencils blending stumps in certain areas 15 hours www.dueysdrawings.com

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Olga Morshchinina 06 Jul 2011

Such a life in this portrait! Well done!

Holly Ertter 13 Sep 2009

WOW!! That sounds awesome Brian! You and your work deserve it. CONGRATULATIONS!! I will be anxiously waiting to see the movie.

Renata Cavanaugh 11 Sep 2009

I love that expression. Beautiful work. Congratulations Brian!

Diana Hume 10 Sep 2009

How fortunate for the artist in the movie that he is able to draw as well as you :) Will be watching for the movie to come out.

Anonymous Guest 10 Sep 2009

Best of luck to you Brian and the movie project. Your work certainly is inspirint and you deserve getting such an opportunity.