




Artist Bio

"INKTOONS, they speak for themselves."

Hi My name is Theresa, but you can call me Tessa :) I created INKTOONS when I was 18 (I'm 22 now) and had it copyrighted a year later. INKTOONS has helped me through my mental illness I struggle with and I'm hoping people will fall in love with my characters as I have. I draw them without a nose and mouth because I feel like my characters don't need those features to know what emotion they're expressing. Plus I just like the look ("They speak for themselves." ;p ) I'm hoping to have INKTOONS printed on mugs, magnets, keychains, etc. My ultimate dream is for INKTOONS to become really big and I can sell them as plush dolls! That would be amazing! I hope you guys fall in love with my characters and I hope they bring a smile to your face :)

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