





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am originally a self taught artist and started drawing right out of the womb. I have received some formal oil painting lessons and attended college for graphic design, where I was able to partake in an illustration program each semester. Through this illustration program I honed my skills, and was also able to learn airbrush, water colour/water colour pencil crayon, gouache and much more. I enjoy drawing and painting, and love to create works for others. I am currently offering pet portraits in acrylic, graphite and coloured pencil to my clients. I am also getting ready to add human portraits for my clients to choose from as well - this will be a new world for me, and I'm looking forward to it. I also own and run a small business called Julie's Art & Design (which my pet portraits are part of), and I offer desktop publishing, graphic design and small admin work, mainly to the real estate sector, but also to small businesses, or really, anyone who needs this type of work done. My design website is:

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