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22 July, 2008


As a longstanding member of Artwanted, I would like to invite my international friends to upload and discuss the artworks they have created (paintings and sculptures) as a result of their exposure and passion to the classical artists of the Renaissance Period of Earth's history.

My own personal journey as an artist has resulted in hundreds of paintings and murals based on classical themes, historical,mythical and biblical. Without a doubt, my own art has experienced a Renaissance because of this learning process.


John Enright 27 Jul 2008

There are some spectacular websites that feature international works by classical artists throughout history. All artists are invited to add a new link. Museums, Galleries and exhibitions will be highlighted from time to time.

All artists, in some time of their careers, have been inspired by witnessing the works of museum artists, through visits or book research, possibly lectures at universities and Television expose's. What has come before us effects how we view our own world, and our own art.

In comparison, many artists feel our civilization reached a zenith during the Renaissance Period of Art. However, I feel our world has progressed to such a high degree that a new appreciation for the old ways and forms of art is fundamental to our wisdom. This is not a comparison between Old World Art and Modern Art. We do not have to pick sides...we can appreciate all forms of art.

It is interesting to note that during their time, many of these artists were revolutionaries and defied both politics and religion, as well as current ideologies in the art world.
