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20 August, 2008

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Hello viewer of this topic, I'm Cary Koffler. Since I started this group I feel obliged to add some depth in my introduction, but I'd like any and all members to introduce themselves with as little as an acronym or as much as... well lets see.

On the eighth day of May, 1959, in Los Angeles, CA. Mom created Cary Koffler. As far as I can remember, I loved anything that was "Horror", by age four I was writing and illustrating my own horror stories. From ten to thirteen years old I lived in Pisa, Italy, where I became inspired by the great Italian renaissance artists; such as Michelangelo, and Da Vinci. While overseas I traveled throughout most of Europe, visiting sites most only read about in history books! I moved back to Southern California just in time to enter high school, where chronic use of hallucinogens skyrocketed me to higher levels of consciousness likewise creativity. From 1977 to 1981 I attended UCLA as a fine arts major, broadening my artistic medium to include photography, sculpture, and performance art. After graduating UCLA, I went on to graduate studies at Otis Art Institute in LA; working as a freelance illustrator, occasionally exhibiting my fine arts work at local galleries.

I paint what's inside of my head; the visions, ideas, concepts, dreamscapes, and hallucinations that perpetually bombard my brain nonstop, reveal themselves to me; birthing themselves to become the artwork that I do. I usually have about six to eight projects going on simultaneously, which keeps me constantly on the move and each project fresh when I return to it. I definitely would not be the person I am, doing the artwork that I do, had I not been inspired by such great artists as Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Hieronymus Bosch, Gustav Dore, Salvador Dali, MC Escher, Pablo Picasso, and H.R. Gieger.