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05 August, 2009

Why be a Sculptor?

Hi There Everyone! Brand new member here... New kid on the block. I wanted to introduce myself and share why I am a sculptor. Been doing the work for about 10 years now, mostly small stuff under 20 inches.

I am a Sculptor because I can not lay the statue down on the canvas and see life in it, I am a sculptor because the world I live in is 3D and I love touching and seeing all sides ot it (all at the same time if possible). I am a Sculptor with a capital "S" because I love it!

Yes I am a Sculptor of Art and I work to create an experience that wells up an emotion from within the soul of the viewer. And for me....when I am really lucky as I work I experince the "Ahhhhhhhness" of creativity and sometimes the moment takes my breath in a climax of creativity.

Yes I love being a Sculptor of the Arts! Glad to be part of your group too! ~BMarie