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13 August, 2008

Can someone help me?

I am hoping that there is an experienced portrait artist in this group that can give me some helpful pointers on drawing portraits. I am a self taught artist that just started out and I am having trouble with the hair on the people I'm drawing. I just can't seem to get it right. I saw a lot of other portraits on this site and so many of them have perfect hair! How do you do it? I have been ripping my hair out trying to figure it out! Thanks to anyone that can help me!


Suzanne Barrett Justis 08 Oct 2008

Just curious, besides using AW, what is eveyone else doing to market their work? I have an art gallery, a web site, etc....but still, the majority of my commissions come from "word of mouth" (which I was getting anyway, regardless of the gallery and website). What tricks do you have, or what has worked for you in getting and selling more art? I want to hear it!

Owen Young 16 Feb 2009

I've been having problems with my 5 mega pixel digital camera. It auto focuses way to much and I can't get really get a decent quality image half the time. If I try to light the art, it varies in degrees of blurriness but decent color but if I use natural light, the picture comes out better but the color of the art is compromised. Using flash is just horrible. it washes out the color and leaves light on the surface of the art that you can't get rid of

Anyways what do you all use to capture an image of your art? I'm on the look out for tips/tricks or a decent camera that I may consider purchasing

Derek Dyment 09 Jul 2010

In my personal opinion I believe the human face to be one of the most challenging and wide varying subjects for any artist to do. But the feeling of pride and self achievement you feel when you get the face to that point of almost perfect is the best feeling of achievement in the world.

Susan van Zyl 17 Nov 2010

I am a bit lost as to how to add my artwork to the group. When I upload an image, I can select a group - only one it seems. Then when my work is uploaded and saved, I can not seem to find the place where I can upload it to other groups. Can you only add your artwork to one group and that is that?

I have not been here for a while and a few changes took place, now I am lost a bit ;-)

Any help would be appreciated?

Blessings Susan

boy alkaf 26 Oct 2014

hii ALL
