16 January, 2017
  • AN ADO
  • -5 Points
  • 1 Vote Up
  • 3 Votes Down
  • Gathering Votes


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A section for art from Hawaii would be great. The art that represents Hawaii in general is unique, colorful, panoramic, and prolific. Thank you. Aloha, By An Ado



Al Budarin 16 Jan 2017

Yes,I agree,also as mentioned ,place artwork into the respective catagories, For viewing,not only our members, But possibly for Exposure to outsiders for comments,that way they wouldn't be anonymous by displaying our artwork with our Email address,I for one don't mind

ArtWanted.com Staff 28 Jan 2017

An Ado - Have you checked out our ARTIST GROUPS area of the ArtWanted community? This is where members can create any group of art with a specific theme. We already have several Hawaiian related art groups, where members can post their Hawaiian artwork and discuss this style of art. Have you had a change to check this out before? If not, go to COMMUNITY... ARTIST GROUPS and then search for Hawaii and they will come up for you to view.

If you have already seen these and would like something different, please share how your idea may be different from the Hawaiian groups already in place. Thank You.

Diane Goulart 25 Mar 2017

I think people may get overwhelmed with too many Section Choices. I know I have been when searching for something on sites laid out like this. I just go to the closest Section~for this would be Outdoors or Landscape and then search Hawaii. Easy.

I like the way artwanted has things laid out now.
