





Artist Bio

Born October, 1970. Mzamane has travelled the globe with his parents who were Anti-aparthied Activists, exiled from South Africa. He grew up in Botswana, Lesotho, Nigeria, England, the United States and numerous other countries. He returned to South Africa in 1993 to help participate in the first ever democratic elections as an Election Monitor and Community Activist. He has worked as a bodyguard to a prominent businessman and a key member of a Community Self-Defense unit. A student of carpentry, metallurgy and architecture of the Xhosa, baSotho, Zulu and Khoi of Southern Africa, Mzamane spent substantial amounts of time touring the country and learning from the great masters in remote villages and urban centers. In 1996, he established MzaStudio; A community-based entity concerned with the upliftment of the disadvantaged and marginalized. In 1997, Mzamane joined Laphuma i Langa Development trust, an organization that addressed the housing atrocities commited by the Apartheid regime. A percentage of all proceeds from these endeavours go to benefit an endowment fund for education and social development. With a degree in architectural draughting, Mzamane is currently pursuing another in manufacturing technology. Mzamane describes himself and his work as “true disciple of the African renaissance, the rebirth of Africa and her greatness.” T -Vuyisile Mzamane is an Entrepreneur, Activist, Architect, Manufacturer and Artist. He is also managing director for Bathwa le Bafokeng Inc.

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