






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

* Biography: Edward Longo - Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, Edward Longo spent his youth in Cheshire. Then in 1951 he joined the Naval Air Force where he spent four years serving on numerous Naval bases and aircraft carriers as an aviation mechanic. It was only after this laborious process of working with his hands that he became interested in painting. His introduction to paint brushes, pallate knives, and the techniques of applying oil came when the Hartford YMCA sponsored a ten week art class. It was only after six or seven of those classes that he felt so confident he begin painting on his own. After many years of experimenting with different techniques, mediums, and the execution thereof he finally set up his own gallery in Hartford. This experience, however, was short-lived. The business owners across the street united and began harrassing him because of the painting of a scantilly-dressed model which hung in the second floor window of his gallery. When a police officer visited the premises and demanded that he remove the work from the window he knew it was time make a move - literally. Prompet by the inspiration ofa friend, he became convinced to make a bold move to New York City. Leaving all the equiptment and furnishings behind Ed Longo looked foward to taking delight in the new experiences.

Encompassing photography, drawing, painting, and writing Longo elevated himself, as well as the viewers, out of the banality of urban life and into the realm of utter creativity. In order to escape the barrage of mass media-fed images and information that assaults folks daily, his early endeavor as an artist continued. Certainly, creative painting strongly influenced Longos unorthodox, aesthetic approach - although far from thematic. Establishing himself in New York City, Edward took a serious approach to creative art, and his fulfillment came in expressing himself on canvas. Exhibitions followed -- the public was responsive, the art critics complimentary. Galleries & the walls of prominent restaurants have given the developing Longo legend good exposure. Although his artistic bent has encompassed psychology, the art of acting & novel writing, it is painting that has given him the sense of even greater gratification. Since 1963 Edward has held residenc in New York City. Although there may be lulls in during his progress, he continues to create vigorously and actively attempts to display his paintings for "one-man-shows." In February of 2004, The PLI Gallery ----In addition to his works which are curently exhibited through many websites online, there are the many invitations to join galleries within the USA. However, Mr Longo is intent on exhibiting predominantly in New York, and especially in Manhattan. Edward Longo is not a product of traditional training. He is a gratified man because his strokes carry with them excitement, surprise and freedom of expression, as well. I would describe him as being the son of an ethereal marriage of spirit and inspiration. His originality begins the moment he becomes one-on-one with the canvas. Brush or knife in hand, he is able to express, through God-given ingenuity, experiences that have been an integral part of the artist for decades.

*Gary Stevens - syndicated columnist.

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