





Artist Bio


Ruth Peled-Ney studied painting and sculpture in various art circles. She has had five solo exhibitions, two in Berlin and 3 in Israel.
Ruth has published six novels, The Shadow of Itself, No Address, Narrow Margin, Delete, and Always Right.
Ruth is a psychologist and is given credit for developing a method, Group Dynamics, for lowering blood pressure. Her work and research are documented in the book Click.
Her methods are still being used through out the world.

Artist Statement
I work from rootless intuition, or from lack of concern for the complex and nourish only my gut instincts. My creations contain a degree of heresy. Intelligent heresy. No! Perhaps it would be better to say emotional heresy, because, I am telling myself that art is a privilege not an obligation, nor do I feel that I have to follow a well trodden path rather than to take the machete and slice my way through the bush.

Artist Highlights