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This is a music, video and art website where the artist's creations are displayed. Some are free to browse, view and listen to and some things on the site can be purchased for use in business or for personal enjoyment, but most of the content is for the viewers enjoyment and entertainment experience. If there's anything you wish to ask or tell the artist, there is a text and email box at the bottom of each page to put your information to send to the artist. The Artist has developed a life threatening ailment but hopes to beat it into submission, but the fact remains he has it. He wishes to thank you for your interest.

Music Samples To Hear

Animated skeleton

LightningFire Music Video

The Artworks of LightningFire

Red Skies High 1 of 2.jpg

"Red Skies High"
-Click To See More-

Read The Story of LightningFire
-The Artist-

Animated skeleton
Spinning Earth 1.gif

Here Is Some Humor To Get You Through The Day

An apple a day keeps everyone away, If you throw it hard enough . . .


My advice to leave the world with is this: Never get on one knee for a girl who won't get on two for you.


Saying you are dumping me but we can still be friends is like saying the dog died but let's take it for a walk anyway.


Today I have been sober for 100 days. Not, like, in a row or anything. Just in total.


Women think they're so smart...Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship.


When the zombie apocalypse finally happens, I'm moving to Washington D.C. I figure the lack of brains there will keep the undead masses away.


Telling a girl to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat.


Just got a booty call from life, apparently it still wants to keep fucking me.

Ha Ha Ha 04.gif

Bottom Page News

The artist of this website has leaked out that he has started on album number six. The title to the album

will be called "Piper's Reason" and this album will be with full of songs with lyrics and music to which he hasn't done in quite some time. He says the music album will be in the metal genre of heavy metal and will contain three ballad type songs and seven hard driving songs. The idea for the album came from the Led Zeppelin song "Stairway To Heaven" particularly the line in the song that says "...and the piper will lead us to reason." because that is the last name of the artist and he feels a strong connection to Led Zeppelin's music. The album cover is below for viewing and if you click on it it will take you to the music page where you can hear the first song completed on the album!


LightningFire Album Cover - Pipers Reason
Animated skeleton
Logo Animation 0.gif

To the right is the program that can send to the artist any questions or just general chat you wish to convey to the artist, you can find this at the bottom of every page on the site.

So even if you would like to comment on your experience on this site or even just to say hello feel free to do just that using the box to the right >>>>>>

Thank you for visiting and exploring this talented artist's personal website.

Come back again soon!

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