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'There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse' - John Lubbock, "Recreation", The Use of Life, 1894



The grace and beauty that is equine is what I try to capture in my artwork, and I hope that while one looks at one of my paintings or drawings, that they too, will feel that inspiration and awe that I feel.


I have a blog! I decided to share what it was like to live the life of an equine artist, and maybe some art tips, as well as other random thingd that crosses my mind haha. Check out my blog page and say 



Im very excited to announce the gallery has been updated with some of my newest paintings and drawings. There are a couple more in the worla, but will not make it up until the 23rd, so make sure to stay tuned :D.

Also I am in talks to have some of my drawings and paintings displayed in a gallery in Beiseker AB in the near future so look for updates here and on my facebook page


Well its been a while since my last update, and what a crazy couple months its been! We decided to test the waters of the housing market at the end of December and put our house for sale, and managed to sell the sucker (woo!), shortly followed by the purchase or our new home and then a crazy double move.


Now its back to the drawing board...err..canvas :). I am buisliy preparing for the Beacon Original Art sale in April, and looking to officially advertise myself to the public, so stay tuned for more updates, including new paintings in the gallery!

Happy Easter!




Happy New Year! I am so very excited for what unknown things this year has in store for me. I am very excited to share I will participating in my first Art Sale in April, which is going to be an absolute blast, there will be so many amazing artists there.  I am also moving and will be getting my very own studio space, wooo! I will do my best to post updates as often as possible this year, and of course if you have any questions, feel free to contact me :)



A big thankyou for all the support and love to everyone! No matter if you bought a drawing/painting, or just left or said a passing compliment, I am grateful for all of it! As the year winds down, I look forward to a new year and many new exciting adventures with my art. If you are hoping for a last minute christmas painting/ drawing, there is still time to get a commision in, if not, there are a few paintings available for the horse lovers in your life :) Merry Christmas everyone!



Prices are online! as well as updated photos of my inventory! whew! I have also updated the upcoming events page with addresses to the sales I will be attending in the next few weeks! Hope to see you all there!



The website continues to be updated, so thankyou for your continued patience. I am currently working on posting prices for the available artoworks, as well I have posted a general price list. Also dont forget to check out the upcoming events page !



10/11/15- The website is up! Yay! please be patient as it is still currently being worked, and updated. Thanks for checking it out!


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