
Last night I decided to draw two significant members of my family. They are both done with pen on printer paper. The hairless dumbo is Kimya, she passed away a year ago, and the black and white fancy is Rosie who is one of the two rats I currently have.



The second set of hands were poorly drawn. I tried to copy the position of the left hand (from the perspective of the subject) from a photo which I find near impossible. When I draw something in the physical it has to be just that 3D and within view.

Oil on paper

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Water color on canvas

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Oil on canvas

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Pen on paper

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Pen on paper

Color pencil on paper

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Medium and Material:

Oil and pen on paper

Depleting collagen


Medium and Material:

Color Pencil on hemp paper

Color pencil on cardboard

Oil on cardboard

Color pencil on hemp paper

Alan Greenspan

