






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Was born in Russia in the city of Novosibirsk in 1958. In 1979 has received the diploma of the teacher of the fine arts - worked at school of arts. In 1980 married, wife Larissa - the artist, the artcritic. In 1981 daughter Olga was born. ?1989 Has organised cooperation of free artists of Novosibirsk. In 1991 has opened “Fomitchev's Art salon” - a private showroom. In 1993 has organised joint-stock company "Acvilon" participation of the capital of large banks and firms of Novosibirsk for advancement and propagation of art of Siberia. In 1995 has won skill competition to order pictures “the Tsarina of Russia - Catherine II”. The participant of numerous zone, republican and international exhibitions. In 1996 exhibition in Germany - Haidenheim. In 1997 it is accepted in the creative union of artists of Russia in Moscow. The most part of pictures is in private collections, (Germany, France, Spain, Israel, the USA, Canada, Cyprus). Since 2002 I live and I write pictures in the workshop to Spain. In 2004 personal exhibition in Russian cultural centre in city Figueres (Spain). In 2005 personal exhibition in gallery «Art impulse of Spain» Barcelona. Now it is occupied by a writing of pictures under the order (a landscape, a portrait, abstract painting, surrealism, painting on a wall) More information:

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