19 March, 2024
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Lower Photo Print Prices

While the rest of the world seems to be raising prices with inflation, ArtWanted is happy to announce we have just LOWERED our prices on a dozen of our most popular photo print sizes! These lower wholesale prices put more money in your pocket while also reducing the retail price to buyers, which can also increase sales.

ArtWanted offers beautiful Lustre photo prints through our Premium Print-on-demand program. This program allows buyers to purchase photo prints from 4x6” size up to 40x80 inches.

We have greatly reduced the wholesale prices for a dozen of the most common print sizes, such as: 4x6, 5x7, 8x10,16x20 and 24x36 inch sizes. For example, the old 8x10” wholesale price was $11.95 and now it’s only $4.95. The old 24x36” wholesale price was $28.95 and now it’s only $19.95.

These new lower prices and higher commission amounts have been updated on all the artwork included in the Premium print program. You can view a complete list of all the sizes, prices, commission amounts and suggested pixel resolutions on the following page.

Enjoy the lower prices! If you have any questions or comments about these changes, feel free to reply and comment below.



Vicki Pelham 20 Mar 2024

Excellent!!! Many thanks, this is very welcome news!

Marty Marlow 14 Apr 2024

Great!! doing cartwheels. Thank You!
