






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Current Executive Director of the "Montclair Shared Housing Association"....My passion however is in what I create through color!

I can't say that I have had preconcieved notions of what I am hoping to create at the onset of any of my pieces. For me it has become a ritual of applying paint to what ever I'm working on at that time and seeing what reveals I go. My more recent pieces have been a combination of mixed media (Oil Pastels, gesso, paper and sometimes floor shellac). Without any derived theme, or method. Instead I try to use color, abstract shapes and surface textures to create visual meraphors for contemporary life.

I think these pieces are essentially abstract and could best be classified as non-representational, in the combining of a variety of experimental elements which create a representation abstraction.

According to one definition: "An Abstract artist is someone whose art departs in varying degrees from representation".

I believe that my pieces are abstracted from a combination of daily activity, pivotal experiences and emotions which extract and manifest themselves into textures and forms.

I'm hoping that those who view my work, will allow themselves to be carried away by his/her unconscious mind allowing the movement, the texture and the colour to shape his/her conscious mind.

A reminder from a follow artist: "Let the painter shut his mouth...Let the art speak". - Bart Van Oijen-

I say...- "Let Art Color your Life"- Jo Anna Jarvis

Artist Highlights