• Deborah Shallman
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  • Added 26 Sep 2021
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Women and Career Book - Leading Influential Presence - A fascinating, instructive and transformative journey for the organizational strategy that transforms discourse into business leadership. The writing in the book is real about life and career. This book is an invitation to a journey through the authentic life stories of 111 women in Israeli society who did not give up, fell and rose again and again, made their voices heard, progressed and broke through for themselves. They know that it is possible and rewarding, that it is worth fighting for equality and adequate representation in the world of work. In the hands of women and in the power of organizations and infancy education to change reality, reaching out to every woman wherever she is, we need to choose the right path for us and make sure to embark on this journey strong and determined. Many times the light is in us and not in one position or workplace or another, a structured career path is important for smart management in the new world of work, a world of uncertainty and constant renewal that requires innovation. Our place around the decision makers table is critical to the proper representation of women at work. Dr. Efrat Liani - Publishing: Kinneret Zmora Dvir - Publishers Ltd.

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