Hi, long time no talk, I was really busy the last weeks finishing assets for a board game with the name "Cy-Co" which will come to kickstarter in a few weeks, more info here: https://www.cy- co.com/kickstarter/ 95% of the design and illustrations for the game was done by yours truly. The website for the game is online already, check it out here: https://www.cy-co.com/ You can see some sketches and character scribbles on my artstation here: https://www.artstation.com/artwor k/963QW or on my blog: http://www.fantasio.info/2017/05/ cy-co-western-cyberpunk- boardgame.html Have a good time, cheers and thanks so much for your continued support! Oliver
1 Comment
Sharon De Vore 08 May 2017