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03 December, 2021
  • Staff

Latest Comment...

Cindy - The images you select from your portfolio will show up in the year you added that image to ArtWanted. It looks like you added images to the gallery that were uploaded 1+ years ago, so they will show up in the respective year for that gallery. You can change the year you are viewing with the tabs at the top of the gallery. Hope that helps.

03 December, 2020
  • Staff
  • 03 Dec 2020

Original Post: 2020 Holiday Gallery Now Live

At this time every year, we exhibit a special gallery at ArtWanted full of joyous holiday images. The 2020 ArtWanted Holiday Gallery is now open for everyone to enjoy!

This year you will find over 200 new images of Christmas, the nativity, Santa, elves, presents, snow, candy and everything else associated with this time of the year. You can also view all the holiday artwork that has been submitted in past years, too.

You can get to the new Holiday Gallery from the link on our BROWSE page or just by going to the following link:

If you have any type of holiday themed artwork, use the link below to select images from your own portfolio and submit them to the holiday gallery:

Submit Holiday Artwork Now