03 January, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

ArtWanted.com: Year-In-Review

We wanted to give everyone a chance to see what a great year we have had. Sit back and read what your membership has done for our website.


We want to start off by giving everyone a huge 'thank you' for your participation and membership on our website. This site would be nothing without our members and you have made it what it is today. We appreciate your feedback, suggestions and complements, but best of all, thanks for making this site better by showing off your talent.

We especially want to thank those that are supporting our website through our premium membership program. It takes a ton of money to keep this site up and running and to pay for our computers, bandwidth, file storage, marketing and employees. In fact, ArtWanted.com is currently subsidized each month by our other companies, because it takes more money to run then it takes in. However, the gap of funds gets smaller and smaller each month with your support and ArtWanted.com should be able to stand on it's own two feet very soon. Thanks again for all those that support our site, we wouldn't have a site without you.


We are speechless over the amount of growth ArtWanted.com has seen in the last year. There are very few companies in the world that have grown as we have. Our traffic has increased over 2,300% percent from last year! This means that we received 23 times the amount of hits in December 2003, over December 2002. This is insane! We went from 358 thousand hits a month to 8.2 million hits/month. The number of unique visitors and page views had an increase of 35 times over last year! The number of memberships and items sold through our website has also seen a huge growth and every month ArtWanted.com continues to get bigger. This means more exposure to everyone's artwork, more potential buyers, more feedback on your art and more artist buddies to get to know. Thanks for telling your friends and co-workers about ArtWanted.com and putting links back to our site. As you can see, it has paid off.


ArtWanted.com has grown from a 'place to display art' to a large art community, due to your participation in the site. With the addition of our artwork comments, ratings, contests and message board...our members are interacting like never before. We have had over 93,000 image votes, 32,000 artwork comments, and 16,000 message board postings. These numbers increase each month and we have seen some good friendships form with many of our members. All we can say is 'keep it up' and continue to invite your artist friends to join the fun.


We have a long list of suggestions and ideas to make our site even better in 2004. Keep the suggestions coming on our message boards and via e-mail. Each month we will be adding new features and improving current features on our website. We will be announcing these upgrades in our monthly newsletters and on our message board. We have a very exciting year planned!

In summary, we couldn't be more pleased with how the website grew last year and we owe it all to you, our members. Thanks for your participation and your excellent talent contribution to make ArtWanted.com what it is today.
